ChefTec is the first system where we have seen concrete, visible improvements to the bottom line in our Profit & Loss statement. This system really does work, and I love it.
Gary “Buzz” Busby, Coyote Café, Beaver Creek, CO

DISCOVER WHY Discover why assisted living facilities, retirement homes, and nursing facilities nationwide rely on CorTec and ChefTec to revolutionize their foodservice operations. From Needham’s North Hill to Carbon County Senior Services, and from The Center for Discovery in New York to The Forum at Rancho San Antonio, and New Dawn Assisted Living, these esteemed establishments entrust CorTec and ChefTec to streamline processes, cut costs, and optimize efficiency. These facilities, and many more, all use CorTec and ChefTec to save costs and do more faster with fewer labor hours.
Our Nutritional Analysis capabilities offer comprehensive Nutrition Facts labels and allergen alerts, ensuring resident safety and satisfaction. Benefit from ChefTec's extensive database, including nutritional information from the USDA for over 1,900 inventory items. Simplify menu planning and compliance with dietary requirements with ChefTec.
Here’s How
Inventory Control
Your foodservice facility's inventory
stands as one of its most substantial
ongoing investments. With CorTec
and ChefTec, pinpoint and
mitigate losses by gaining
unparalleled visibility
into inventory management.
Menu Management
Cost out menus easily based
on customizable pricing
criteria to choose “winners”
and “losers” based on your
budget and item popularity.
Generate cycle menus and
share the information with
staff, residents, and potential
new residents.
Nutritional Analysis
With ChefTec's robust nutritional analysis capabilities, empower your facility to uphold the highest standards of dietary excellence. Seamlessly generate comprehensive nutrition labels and allergen alerts.
Food Safety & Recall Management
See HACCP information for your recipes
and preparation procedures to keep your
residents safe.
Be alerted when inventory
items have been recalled with Lot Tracking
functionality and see precisely where these
items have been used in recipes.
Purchasing & Ordering
Seamless interfaces with your vendors takes labor hours out of the equation by allowing you to automatically generate orders and send them to your vendors with the click of a button.